Riot Games
1 year ago by Alex_Kinzer
How Eden collects seeds for the Sembezeia Sede nursery

In March 2022, Eden opened the Sembezeia Sede nursery in the north portion of the Chimanimani Buffer Zone. This nursery has the capacity to produce 250,000 seedlings each planting season to support the restoration of the Sembezeia Sede planting site.

To grow seedlings in the nursery, Eden collaborates with the local community to identify and collect seeds. First, Eden creates a list of appropriate, indigenous tree species to grow in the nursery to restore the site. Then, Eden reviews this list with community members to locate mother trees and communicate the level of quality we need for harvested seed to meet Eden's quality standards. Community members source seed and bring it to the nursery, where it is weighed for payment. Through this process, Eden offers sustainable livelihood options for communities, and actively engages the community in restoration planning for their local forest.