
We develop replicable designs of regenerative agroforestry systems, combining scientific data, empirical information and traditional knowledge with technological innovations, building a new productive paradigm that is sustainable, resilient and long-lasting

PRETATERRA works on the planning, development, implementation, and dissemination of regenerative agroforestry systems in a systematized, modular and replicable way. The knowledge systematization applied for our agroforestry planification methods does not only involve scientific data; we recognize the primordial importance of traditional empirical knowledge, focusing on rescuing and systematizing this knowledge. We analyze, co-create, plan and build integrated agroforestry systems using local knowledge acquisition tools, participatory technology transfer methodologies, empowerment and governance strengthening, associated with different mapping and photography tools by DRONE. We also have long experience in floristic inventories in the tropical and temperate ecosystems, having an interdisciplinary support hub for specific analyzes and compilations. We present a unique quality in the acquisition, analysis, curation and presentation of our reports; as well as in institutional interrelationship, adaptability to different circumstances and stakeholders, and absolute integrity in meeting deadlines and goals.