Our Vision : A world where farmers and farms throughout Pantropical landscapes are climate resilient.
Our Mission: We protect forests from deforestation; empower farming communities with knowledge and technology; and diversify coffee, cocoa, and avocado crops impacted by the effects of climate change. To ensure sustainable farming, we provide stakeholders with the science and technology they need to make informed decisions based on the Best Available Technology. To engage business leaders, we offer financial tools to co-finance green projects that offset their carbon footprints.
What We Develop: Ecotropics develops renewable energy sources to construct environmentally-sound farms and processing facilities. Our innovative systems are backed by science, data, and expertise to make sure that they are clean, efficient, and productive. We construct green schools where they are trained and provided a quality education about sustainability. We develop baselines for measuring carbon footprint, reforestation and avoided deforestation. We reinforce farmlands with technology to work with forest ecosystems, not against them.
Where We Work: “Pan” is rooted in the Greek language meaning “all” or “every”. The Pantropics—“all tropics”—encompass every tropical belt across the Equator. Included are more than 100 countries spread across South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Pantropical nations produce some of our most valuable and beloved commodities, yet they are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This is where we work, and this is where we’ll stay.