Maya Biosphere Reserve Initiative
Published 15. Sep 2020 by Sebastian-De-la-Hoz in Project Xibalba Private Nature Reserve: Conservation and Restoration
Aguadas Restoration Plot
Aguadas Restoration Plot Planting

The Aguadas Restoration Site is an 8.5 ha plot which was reforested with 6 different native tree species in this first phase. 3500 trees were planted in the first phase of this restoration plot. The tree species are the following:
Ramón/Maya Breadnut - (Brosimum alicastrum)
Mahogany - (Swietenia macrophylla)
Spanish Cedar - (Cedrela odorata)
Bloodwood/Logwood/Tinto - (Haematoxylum campechianum)
Tigerwood/Jobillo - (Astronium graveolens)
Copal - (Protium copal)
This plot had African modified grasses introduced more than 10 years ago to use as pasture for cattle. The soil is very degraded with little natural regeneration taking place. A 6 mt firebreak surrounds the plot to the north and west dividing the neighboring properties and a 4 mt internal firebreak limits to the east and south of the plot. These firebreaks serve also as access roads. Furrows were made using bush cutters and glyphosate every 5 mt running from north to south. Glyphosate was only used once in small doses and only in this plot to test for effectiveness against African grasses. Glyphosate was not used near the ponds or any other water source. Glyphosate was very effective in preventing grasses to grow back while the planting activity and for the following month. Holes were dug using a fuel powered Stihl hole digger with an 8" drill and another one with a 6" drill. Holes were dug 30 cm deep every 5 meters in the furrow to end up with a distribution of 5x5 meters.
The plot was planted in 14 days with the help of 6 forestry workers.