Reforestation Conservation 494,63 ha

The Jodhipur planting site lies along the Babai River in western Nepal's Bardiya District. The project is in the Terai region of Lumbini Province, in the western Himalayan lowlands and comprises a healthy tropical forest with degraded areas that need protection and restoration.

The Babai River connects Bardiya National Park to the Terai ecological zone. The park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including some iconic species such as elephants (Elephas maximus), Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), and tigers (Panthera tigris). It also supports a variety of bird species, including the Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis), which is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The area has rich biodiversity due to its diverse climate, ranging from tropical to subtropical. It contains forests dominated by Sal (Shorea robusta) trees, as well as riverine forest species, including Senegalia catechu and Dalbergia sissoo. The region is rich in medicinal trees like Terminalia chebula and Senegalia catechu, used in traditional medicine.

In 2014, heavy rainfall caused devastating floods that affected the area, destroying houses, lands, and roadways, degrading agriculture and forests. Logging and converting land for agriculture and urbanization further contribute to the degradation of forests. The Babai River is a vital water resource for various purposes like irrigation, hydropower generation, livestock, and domestic use. Landscape restoration can help restore these services and promote regional well-being and sustainability.

More than half of Bardiya district's population belongs to the Tharu ethnic group, with Kshetri, Brahmin, and Bishwokarma comprising the other ethnic groups. The district boasts several cultural heritage sites and religious places that attract tourists. Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) are responsible for managing community forests, such as the Jodhipur planting site. CFUGs in this area plant trees to rehabilitate the forests and generate income, by maintaining trees and offering eco-tourism activities.

Eden Reforestation Projects (Eden) facilitates restoration of the temperate forest ecosystems in the area, and community development through nature-based solutions to climate change. By working directly with local communities, Eden empowers them to restore their natural environment.