
Our origin dates back to 2018, following the implementation of instruments for climate financing, such as the carbon tax and the non-causation mechanism in Colombia. Since then, we have specialized in the development of nature-based solutions and have taken on the role of facilitator in managing CO2 emissions for companies of all sizes.

By 2024, we have developed large-scale conservation projects structured under the REDD+ methodology (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). In partnership with indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, these projects have been recognized in Latin America as benchmarks for climate change mitigation and improving the quality of life for ethnically diverse families.

The structuring of REDD+ projects is focused on the life plans and ethnodevelopment of the communities, respecting their autonomy in territorial governance. Through these projects, forest protection is monitored, and endangered species of flora and fauna are safeguarded.

Currently, we work in partnership with 26 ethnic communities, comprising 9 community councils and 17 indigenous reserves, in departments such as Vichada, Guainía, Guaviare, Chocó, Cauca, and Valle del Cauca. With these communities, we conserve 1.812.132 hectares of tropical forests in Colombia and have contributed to capturing more than 26,000,000 tons of CO2e.

Similarly, in Brazil, we have consolidated two conservation projects, working with 6 indigenous communities in a forested territory of 1.882.672 hectares and more than 19.000 benefited people.

Our mission is to continue working hand in hand with ethnic communities in the development of nature-based solutions that mitigate the impact of climate change and serve as a vehicle for financing improvements in their living conditions and territories.