Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda
Published 20. Nov 2022 by Chava in
2) Corredor Biológico Sierra Madre Oriental
Multiple ICAT Assessment Guides used to implement NAMA in Mexico

The NAMA initially involved subnational government-led actions for the regeneration of forests and the implementation of planned grazing in twelve states.

An introduction to the project
Because the NAMA involved actions in both the forest and agricultural sectors, Grupo Ecológico decided to apply both ICAT’s Forestry Assessment Guide and its Agriculture Guidance to assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the NAMA and prepare an assessment report for each sector. The NAMA involved pilot activities already implemented in five states as well as plans to scale-up and replicate the activities in other states. Therefore the greenhouse gas impact reports included both ex-post and ex-ante assessments.

One of the objectives of the assessments was to estimate the potential of the NAMA to contribute to achieving Mexico’s nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for the forest and agricultural sectors, or to make these goals more ambitious. Additionally, Grupo Ecológico decided to apply the methodology of the ICAT Non-State and Subnational Action Guide for assessing overlaps, adding impacts and comparing ambition for the NDC target year for 2030. This was included as an additional section within the two greenhouse gas impact assessment reports.

Another objective of the assessment was to evaluate the potential of the NAMA to achieve transformational change within the forest and livestock grazing sectors. Therefore Grupo Ecológico also decided to apply the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology, which was used to prepare a third assessment report.

Finally, Grupo Ecológico obtained a third-party technical review of the three impact assessment reports, applying the ICAT Technical Review Guide to do so.
