Food Forest Program: Carbon Offsetting with an Impact
3 March 2020
by paul
Annual carbon payments to farmers

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Annual carbon payment to the farmer groups in Paninggahan village has been done after evaluating the situation in the field, and if the work done by the farmers was done in line with the agreed criteria.

Our team has checked every individual tree that needed to be replaced and recorded them. In total only 5% of the trees needed to be replaced. Within each farmer group, members decided whether it was caused by drought, insect attacks (often termites), or mismanagement. Mismanagement means the farmer must invest him/herself in new trees. In some cases, the member farmers may even decide to replace a particular person, if he/she does not perform according to the agreement. Luckily this was not the case, trees died because of termite attacks, stem borers or because of unknown unfavorable ecological conditions in a particular locality (very local variations in soils).

It appeared that clove trees in one area were intensively attacked by termites and stemborer. Tree species in the same area which were not attacked and growing very well were timber trees, and fruit trees like avocado or petai trees. So our team together with the farmers decided to replace damaged clove trees by those which seem to be best suitable for that particular area. So mostly avocado and petai trees. These are also very good trees for carbon sequestration.

Our collaboration with the nursery of the Department of Forestry, BPDAS, helped us again to receive good quality trees for free. In this way, all organisations work together to achieve the goal of ecosystem restoration in Singkarak. Two weeks ago, all the work was finished, and our team contacted us to send the third carbon payment. On 3 March, the funds, 3,200 euro in total, were given to the heads of the farmer groups.

The farmers will gather and each individual member will receive their annual carbon payment, in line with the size of their plots. The form in the picture holds all names of those entitled to receive carbon payments, and they must sign after receiving the payments. A great day for all.