Digitize the Planet

Outdoor sports and experiences are important parts of a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle and contribute to building a deeper awareness of nature and the importance of its protection. The majority of visitors want to contribute to nature conservation efforts and minimize any negative impacts their actions may have on natural ecosystems. Together with the sports industry, online platforms and nature conservationists, we want to offer everyone the opportunity to be active in nature in a sustainable and conscious way. We believe that all of those who contribute to the problem can also be part of the solution and make our passion for the outdoors sustainable and yet still accessible and enjoyable. By spreading important information on protected areas through standardized and internationally digitized rules, social awareness for the necessity of nature conservation can be strengthened so that we can all act in a sustainable way.

Setting up the association is based on the preparatory work of three round tables that included broad participation of sports clubs, conservation bodies, destinations and leisure and tourism companies. On March 5th, 2020 we founded the Association.

The association will process information about regulations on behavior in nature digitally and make it freely available as open data. This is an important step for the distribution of information on correct behavior in nature and the environment.
Various online tour portals and navigation systems provide digital information on routes and adventure opportunities, and numerous outdoor enthusiasts follow these route tips. At the same time, the routes and POIs do not have any information about the regulations at the destination and the corresponding activity. Conflicts arise when route suggestions do not comply with existing regulations, e.g., on nature conservation. A large proportion of users plan their tour digitally and use digital navigation at the destination. Once the guest is on location with appropriate information about the route and activity without information about regulations, it is too late. Especially in the area of sensitive natural areas, often also popular places, it can lead to large pressure on nature and, as a result, to disturbance. Routes and POIs can be located in areas with wild life and their resting as well as breeding places. Sensitive cultivated areas are affected and farming practices are disturbed, creating conflicts with landowners and users. Information on access and behavior must already be available during planning and navigation so that it can be followed and used.
Through the participation of many stakeholders from conservation, destinations, the tourism industry and professional associations, data can be collected, made available in a clear and standardized way.

Digital data platform
The platform allows authorized protected area managers to enter and maintain their rules in a structured way. This data infrastructure manages the rules and all necessary spatial and non-spatial additional information.
Digitize makes this information available as open data and interfaces with other databases. These are designed for easy integration into the route planning of outdoor touring portals and platforms. The integration actively supports digital visitor guidance and nature conservation.
Through our API, the rules are made available to outdoor platforms. This is the basis for the digital dissemination of information on appropriate behavior in nature and the landscape.