ReWild Africa

We like to explain our Business as Head, Heart, Hands. Head being online Education, Heart being visual storytelling and hands being deep and immersive experience to connect with your ecological self

ReWild Africa is a film and story-telling company that seeks to shed light on solutions to ecological restoration. We do this by creating, short or long films that seeks to communicate the vision and mission of projects within the space of regenerative sustainability worldwide. You can learn more about the stories we have created through our website -

LearnBiomimicry : We create online learning experiences that can give the necessary tools and knowledge to build this future -

We need to practically ReWild, the more we connect with nature and realise its true value to ourselves and the greater biosphere, the better we can look to protect our fragile ecosystem. ReWIld creates immersive based experiences for company leaders to understand themsleves and their business in relations to the biosphere.