Angeles National Forest

The Angeles National Forest, stretching across 650,000 acres of the San Gabriel and Sierra Pelona Mountains, has borne years of impact by wildfires, drought and invasive species, leaving stretches of native woodland and pine habitat jeopardized and fragmented. Not only does this forest offer countless recreational opportunities and an important home for wildlife, but it also contains a valuable watershed, providing water protection to Southern California and protecting local communities from catastrophic floods. TreePeople’s Mountain Forestry Program has been training and mobilizing community members to increase the climate and fire resilience of this priceless landscape by replanting previously forested land to reconnect oak woodland and pine forest ecosystems, restoring wildlife corridors and enhancing biodiversity.

Key Species: California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii, VU)

The project start date and project description are provided from the point of view of Re:wild's support to the partner. Restoration work is focused in a more restricted area within the depicted polygon.