There is a buffalo in our forest.
Having no reason to return to heard or master,
she chose for uncertainty and the wildness of life.
At first fear filled her field.
Perhaps an effect of abuse or trauma,
Contradictions and mysteries prevailed in her presence.
Taking time to reclaim her core,
to live the life that she was born for.
Fuelled by a wild, organic and unpredictable energy.
The raw, untamed, parts of herself,
buried beneath layers of hide.
Surfaced, slowly through her soft eyes.
True nature is wildness.
There is no taming in the state of exquisiteness.
A wild energy, straight from the source of creation.
Untangled from all that was required of her
No walls to cram her soul, no dimming of her light.
No rounding of her edges. Simply living.
She has been in the forest for over half a year
This morning we met and touched each other.
She seemed to say, hey I am not unfriendly
it's just that We’re not made to fit inside someone else’s life.
We’re made for our own visions, dreams, and goals,
and our wildness is the key to understanding what that means for us.
Our raw, untamed, passionate, alive parts.
Create wormholes between worlds,
as our wild Beast’s ramp and romp with Beauty and Life
meet on the wild forest’s lonely verge,
in green wildernesses and lurking depths,
in thickets of joy where danger clasps delight,
I glimpsed the hidden wings of hopes,
A glimmer of blue and gold and scarlet fire.
The busy world we see today fell silent —
huge tracts reclaimed by wilderness.
A sense of space and freedom returns.
The force of fear — Receeds.