The BaumInvest reforestation project is located in the remote eastern tropical plains of the Orinoquía region of Colombia, adjacent to the Rio Tuparro and the Tuparro National Natural Park. Using a near-natural restoration approach, we are transforming degraded pastureland into a self-sustaining forest ecosystem that will continue to grow without economic intervention. Depending on the site, we select a variety of native tree species. These species differ in growth rate, carbon storage capacity and longevity - and complement each other. Our species-mix approach creates a resilient and biodiverse ecosystem that expands the natural habitat for endangered species such as jaguars and tapirs in the national park's influence zone. The positive impact on biodiversity will be monitored in collaboration with a local expert from the renowned Senckenberg Institute.
The project also has a significant positive impact on the surrounding communities, including indigenous communities. Local communities are involved from the outset through local stakeholder consultation meetings. In this remote area, local value is continually added through the local provision of seeds, nursery operations and planting activities.
The project is designed to continually expand the reforested areas. To date, a total of 1,500 hectares of land has been restored and protected. Over the 40 year life of the project, this reforestation project will sequester nearly 1 million tCO2e and provide a continuous carbon sink beyond the life of the project.