
This project is the largest structured by BIOFIX and is made up of 7 indigenous reserves of the Sikuani and Piapoco peoples of the departments of Guainía and Vichada, allied in the KALIAWIRI REDD+ Project, which means tree of life. According to the story, from this tree came all the fruits or food.
These reserves defined as cross-cutting themes permanent educational processes in forest governance, entrepreneurship, gender equality, rescue of ancestral cultural traditions, and territorial delineation; reforestation and community monitoring; implementation of renewable energies and improvement of infrastructure in communications, mobility, health and recreation, technification of the productive processes carried out by the communities for self-sufficiency and commercialization of products based on cocoa, chili, yucca, sweet yucca, pineapple, sugar cane, cereals, as well as the incorporation of sustainability in silvopastoral, fishing and non-timber forest exploitation such as moriche, seje and rubber.