Transformative Knowledges Dialogues

Achieving a balance between nature conservation and human well-being requires insights from different knowledge systems. In Madre de Dios, we are working to bridge gaps among different groups and foster communication channels for learning, adapting, and growing together. In the Amazon basin, governments have only sporadically focused on indigenous groups their needs for development. With the project Sonidos del Bosque, our goal is to attract investments that will empower the Harakbut people to successfully engage with economic opportunities while preserving their cultural identity. This involves passing down their knowledge and history to younger generations, developing their territory with a deep understanding of nature, and enriching their language and cultural heritage. Currently, we are facilitating the collaboration between the textile know-how of the indigenous populations of the Tambopata province with the experience in fashion design and market access of the renowned fashion designer Sumy Kujon. This knowledge dialogue will strengthen traditional environmentally friendly techniques while offering products required by the global fashion markets.