AERF has been working in the field of forest conservation for close to 3 decades now. Their primary intervention is in the Northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India, which is also a Global Biodiversity Hotspot. AERF works on the conservation of sacred groves, private forests, and mangroves in Maharashtra and has also started various interventions community-managed forests of Central Indian Landscape in Chhattisgarh through the use of various intervention strategies like Forest and Mangrove Conservation Agreements, developing alternate sources of energy like ICS, developing green and blue carbon projects, conservation through plantation and restoration, and much more. It also has a business wing Nature Connect India Private Limited, which is a conservation-based business enterprise. NCIPL develops certified and sustainable forest based value chains utilizing different Organic, Fairtrade, and Sustainable certification standards. NCIPL enables local communities to earn livelihoods and build their capacity through its Green Enterprise program.