BaumInvest is a non-listed stock corporation headquartered in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. We are 99% equity financed, which means the company shares are distributed among more than 2,000 shareholders who have already invested in our company and our vision.
We set out as pioneers to transform degraded former pastureland in Costa Rica into permanent mixed forests, using a near-natural forestry concept with native tree species. Reforesting mixed forests in a close-to-nature concept with mainly native species is our expertise. We have now been active in the field of reforesting tropical forest landscapes for 15 years. Currently, we manage more than 3,500 hectares of land – and continue to grow by expanding our “BaumInvest Forest Landscape Restoration Programme” to other Central and South American countries.
Reforesting former pastureland using a close-to-nature approach is the base for our two business areas: sustainable forestry and carbon compensation through reforestation.
Our tropical timber production is based on the principles of sustainable forestry. This involves combining native tree species with different growth rates to benefit each other. The result is sustainably produced precious timber from mixed forests which lasts permanently due to selective harvesting and replanting.
We offer carbon compensation solutions through reforestation with additional value for people and biodiversity. Our portfolio credits, reforestation services, and carbon forest package….all based on mixed reforestation and predominantly native species For clients, we offer carbon credits from our re