Citizen ZOO

We’re on a mission to Rewild Our Future
We want to live in a world filled with wildlife. Through our projects and services, we rebuild nature to a more functional state, and bring people out into the great outdoors through our engagement programmes.

We’re a social enterprise committed to rewilding & conservation, and growing rapidly through our expanding portfolio of projects and network of clients & partners to Rewild Our Future.

The Citizen Zoo Story
We started out as a group of friends with a shared vision for a wilder future and now we’re making strides throughout the UK with our partners and clients to restore nature back to a functional state. As practitioners our approach is focused on action and applying the latest research to deliver measurable outcomes. Through translocations, reintroductions, captive breeding programmes, and a whole host of other conservation actions, we’re working to rebuild habitats to a more whole state, join us!

A Social Enterprise
We’re different from many other nature organisations in that we’re a social enterprise. This helps scale our interventions and attract capital investment to really make a difference on a larger scale. We also receive funding for specific projects and donations from our dedicated supporters, along with legacies people leave us in their wills.
We’ve previously graduated from a one year intense incubator programme offered by the Centre for Social Innovation at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. This fantastic programme allowed us to develop links with key partners and grow the organisation. We also developed relationships with key investors who share a vision of rewilding as the new environmental narrative and next frontier.