Dusty Foot Productions, established in 2002 and based in New Delhi,India, represents a team of young wildlife filmmakers who all share a common vision – of establishing a place recognized for films on wildlife and environment. This commitment comes not only as filmmakers but as individuals who love nature and are concerned about its future.
At Dusty Foot, our endeavor is to incorporate this commitment into mainstream media . Our objective is to bring out a balanced approach and focus on solutions that exist or are being attempted.
Over the last four years ‘The Right To Survive ‘ and ‘Earth calling’ by Dusty Foot have won awards at various film festivals. In Vatavaran 2009 ( premier wildilife and environment film festival), ‘The Wild Meat trail’, ‘On the Right Track’ and ‘A Shawl to Die For’ have been nominated in the wildlife conservation and livelihood category. ‘Under the Sun’, the first Dusty Foot film ,recently won an award at the Development Film Festival 2009 organised by Dhan Foundation. ‘Small World’- a five part children’s series was telecast on the national network Doordarshan and has been shown in several schools across the country.
Now Dusty Foot Productions is initiating conservation education workshops in the Northeast of India with the idea of training the trainers. A video training workshop is going to be conducted for a small group of Nishi people from village Rachi in Arunachal Pradesh. The idea is to expand this work in the future and dig deeper into conservation work.
Over the years Dusty Foot has been closely associated with many groups and NGOs ( non governmental organisations) working with environment, socio – political issues and development projects – Keystone Foundation( Nilgiris biosphere reserve), Samaj Pragati Sahayog ( Madhya Pradesh), Wildlife Trust of India (New Delhi), Development Alternatives (New Delhi) , International Collective in Support of Fishworkers(Chennai), Norththeast Network (Assam), Go Wild workshops ( Coimbatore), Rushikuliya sea turtle Protection Society ( Orissa).
The Dusty Foot team also takes on technical assignments in camera, editing and design. The projects have ranged from documentaries, training films, news, television shows, promos and websites.