Fundació Iniciatives del Mediterrani

The Fundación Iniciatives del Mediterrani (the Foundation) is an independent NGO, which works for the environmental, cultural and economic responsibility of the Balearic Islands.

In favor of a sustainable development for the Balearic Islands, promoting actions to better understand the problems and challenges that affect us, as well as to investigate different solutions with the aim of moving towards a more balanced territory. All this in collaboration with like-minded entities here and elsewhere in the Mediterranean.

Our vision for the future is to participate in making the Balearic Islands a balanced territory, in cultural, natural and social terms, where citizen initiatives, private enterprises and public entities all contribute to the conservation and restoration of its environmental and social values.


-To study the evolution of the Balearic Islands throughout its history, especially in contemporary times, and to make proposals for a favorable development for its residents and visitors.

-To promote initiatives in favor of the conservation of the socio-cultural and natural heritage of the Balearic Islands.

-Promote and organize the knowledge of the current reality and history of the Balearic Islands, in all its dimensions, and disseminate it to society.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Fundació Iniciatives del Mediterrani supports different initiatives and organizations with similar objectives, such as the associations Palma XXI, Tramuntana XXI and Pla de Mallorca XXI, which share the same vision as the Fundació Iniciatives del Mediterrani.