Highland Boundary

Who we are and Where we're from
Highland Boundary is the idea of Marian and Simon who live and work near the pretty market town of Alyth in Perthshire, Scotland.

Our name comes from the geological feature, called the Highland Boundary Fault, on which our farm lies. We have one foot in the Highlands and one in the Lowlands of Scotland. To the North of us lie the Angus glens and the mountains of the Cairngorms and looking South our distillery has stunning views of the fertile Strathmore valley.

By combining botanicals from the Highlands with grain spirit from the South we are crafting a new generation of Scottish botanical spirits firmly rooted in the Scottish Landscape

Making Wild Things
Our aim is to bring you the flavours of the Scottish wilderness in our botanical spirits.

We hand-pick all of our botanicals from Scottish woodlands either on our farm or nearby.

We are careful to only harvest a small amount of foliage, flowers or berries from any single plant, taking in one season only what would be browsed naturally. This means plants stay healthy and we leave plenty for the wild animals, birds and insects that also rely on mother nature.

We combine our Scottish botanicals with grain spirit and mineral-rich spring water from Alyth Hill which has been naturally filtered through the 450 million year-old Devonian sandstone bedrock of Strathmore.

Distilling with Family & Friends
One of the most remarkable things about our Wild Scottish Spirit is the thought, care and love that goes into every bottle we make from every member of our team. From handpicking local botanicals; pre-distillation flavour processing; distilling and bottling, across all operations our teamwork tirelessly together to produce spirits and liqueurs that showcase flavours that demonstrate just how much we care.

Marian leads the way and is supported by a wonderful group of friendly, fun, talented and creative folks. Each team member comes with their own background and our openness means views, questions and opinions are always welcome. Togetherness brings something wildly different to the tasks involved in producing and sharing our Highland Boundary spirits with the world.

You can read more about the team in our blog, from talking baking and cooking with Simon to lovely local independent businesses with Marian. You can also catch up with team members Barry, James & Katie.

The wild, remarkable and flavour-packed punch that each sip of Highland Boundary delivers comes directly from the ethos of our team who create it.

Distilling the Wild
In the 'magic-making' we use a combination of infusion, distillation in our copper alembic still and post-distillation infusion to obtain the maximum botanical flavour in our spirits.

By using novel Scottish botanicals in surprising combinations we are creating a new generation of Scottish botanical spirits with remarkable flavours.

How We Care and Why We Care
We care about our environment.

It is core to our ethos that we protect the Scottish wilderness. We do everything we can to both limit the environmental impact of our business and to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Our electricity comes from solar panels on our farm roof; our offices are heated using biomass and the cooling water from our still comes directly from a natural spring and is recycled through our wildlife pond once it has cooled, continuing the water cycle.

We are committed to using only biodegradable (wood, cardboard and paper) or recyclable glass packaging for our products.

Run with the wolf
Our wolf logo celebrates our wildness and is a modern twist on the Pictish animal stone carvings found near our distillery.

The colours in our logo refer to the variety of different botanicals we use and the design was also inspired by our dearly departed family wolf called Hamish (ok, he's a wolfy-dog really).

It was created for us in Dundee, the design capital of Scotland, by Kurt MacDonald at mtc media. Thanks Kurt, we love it!!

When you see our wolf logo on your spirit you know you can trust you are drinking a high quality, truly cared-for, modern, Scottish, botanical spirit.