
The Brazilian sea is home to thousands of species that inhabit or transit through this ecosystem. This wealth has a strong ecological, economic, social and landscape appeal for the ecosystem services it provides us, which are responsible for a representative portion of the Brazilian economy.

On the other hand, the marine environment faces several problems. The overexploitation of fisheries, together with the loss of habitats and the contamination of the environment, impact several species, putting some at risk of extinction.

This situation goes against the tide of sustainable development in the coastal region, and in the long term, it could cause the depletion of marine biodiversity, which would have negative consequences for all who depend on this environment.

Who we are
The MarBrasil Association was founded in 2004, with the objective of seeking alternatives and solutions for the conservation and rational use of the marine-coastal ecosystem. Headquartered in Pontal do Paraná, on the southern coast of the country, MarBrasil is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization, formed by professionals with diversified scientific, technical and administrative competence. Citizens who see the need to join efforts with the private sector and government agencies in an organized way, in the search for solutions to harmonize the development of the coast of Paraná and Brazil.

The strategy for the development of MarBrasil actions is based on the integration of scientific research, technological innovation, and education to promote the Conservation of marine ecosystems and their biodiversity. We develop projects and programs in the following areas:
-Conservation of endangered species
-Research for the creation and management of marine and coastal Conservation Units
-Conservation of marine biodiversity and fisheries resources
-Education for Marine and Coastal Conservation
-Research and technological innovation for conservation

Our mission is to contribute to the protection, preservation, conservation, restoration and sustainable management of the coastal environment, the landscape heritage and the cultural assets and values ​​of the Brazilian coast. Promote actions aimed at marine and coastal ecosystems, seeking to replace impactful practices with sustainable activities aimed at improving the life of traditional fishing communities and maintaining and conserving biodiversity.

MarBrasil's vision is to be a catalyst for the development and dissemination of innovative solutions for the sustainable use of the Brazilian coast and sea, serving as an example in nature conservation for society and for the public and private sectors.


  1. Promote the maintenance of biological diversity, considered in genetic, specific and ecosystemic terms, of the Brazilian sea;
  2. Encourage, create and/or maintain coastal and marine conservation units, contributing to the protection of natural heritage and biological diversity;
  3. Develop, support and encourage scientific research, teaching, extension and technological innovation activities;
  4. Produce and disseminate alternative technologies that promote socially just, ecologically adequate and economically viable development;
  5. Develop, support and encourage social, cultural, educational and ecological and scientific tourism actions focusing on coastal ecosystems and communities;
  6. Promote the institutional development of public and private bodies dedicated to environmental management and the implementation of public policies.

Impersonality, publicity, economy, ethics and morality with regard to its own management;
The prevention of conflicts of interest and the restraint of personal gain in conducting the entity's business, by associates, statutory directors, executives and any employee;
Respect for the individual and the appreciation of diversity in its various manifestations;
The permanent search for efficiency and standards of excellence in results, as factors of institutional credibility;
Vigilance towards efficiency and ethics in processes, in order to earn the trust of their counterparts and society in general.

Environmental responsibility
The management of the MarBrasil Association, as well as the projects carried out, is carried out in such a way as to disseminate concepts and attitudes that consider environmental variables in their scope. Environmental responsibility within MarBrasil is worked at three levels:
-Within the team, through discussions and repositioning of day-to-day attitudes with developments on local sustainable development;
-In projects, always striving for compliance with the regulations involved and in the search for results that contribute to an ecologically sound environment;
-In the community, through contributions to public policy debates for the conservation of the coastal zone, as well as attention to the environmental legislation in force for the development of the coast.