Nature Pavilion by @ NOAH 2023


In the face of the escalating climate and biodiversity crises, collaboration has never been more urgent. The Nature Pavilion is a container for exchange between nature-based projects, businesses, and nature tech. Conceived as a symbiosis of organizations, it will highlight different aspects of climate and biodiversity action through interactive exhibitions and events. As the term symbiosis suggests, we aim to foster a close and mutually beneficial interaction between actors striving for true impact.

The 2023 Nature Pavilion will also host the project exhibition of the Global Call for Nature-based Projects. If you are interested in coming to the Nature Pavilion by at NOAH Zurich 2023, you can book a ticket here.

During last year's 2022 NOAH Conference Zurich, we hosted the Project Stage. Check out the nature-based projects that participated here or explore the map.