Yayasan Pulau Hayati Lestari

EcoProject Wane is a holistic approach to implement sustainable agriculture, reforestation / nature conservation programs and ecological education within the local community in the region called WANE (Sumbawa, Indonesia).
Our aim is to inspire the local community to practice alternative cultivations methods that afford them a self-sufficient future where economical development and a healthy life are in harmony with nature.
As a result of the severe destruction and pollution of nature, the dramatic changes in climate and the impact that has on the survival of our eco-systems on this planet and our health, we have no choice but to face these problems together with solutions and action.

Our vision is to provide ecologically sustainable systems that allow self-sufficient communities to thrive while protecting natural resources, remaining areas of primary rainforest and similar precious ecosystems.

The mission is to work with nature – not against it towards a self-governed eco-community that empowers collaborative community solutions. Our mission includes, but is not limited to, protecting primary rainforest and to reforest degraded areas. Eco Project Wane applies means of sustainable agriculture and permaculture to generate alternative income.