(Approval and Revision of The Rules of Procedure)
This document constitutes the Internal Regulations regarding the functioning of the Earthcare Association - Associação De Defesa Do Ambiente, established on 22 February 2022 at Rua da Papanata, nº95, Gândara, municipality of Lousã, legal person nº 516 836 951.
This Rules of Procedure was adopted on 23 April 2022.
This Regulation may be amended upon resolution of the General Assembly
The proposed amendment may be submitted to the General Assembly table by the Board of Directors or by a quarter of the members in full enjoyment of their rights.
The decision to amend the Regulation will be taken by a simple majority.
(Associates - categories, admission, rights, duties)
Individual founding member - individual admitted by the Board of Directors.
Actual individual member - individual over eighteen years of age admitted by the Board of Directors.
Collective Member - Public or private institution admitted by the Board of Directors.
Legendary Member - Individual who wants to get directly involved with the forest, admitted by the Board of Directors.
The Management will deliberate on a case-by-case basis on the admission of members who are admitted by submission of the 'membership form' duly completed by the applicants and their payment of the quota.
All members are obliged to pay an initial quota of 10 euros.
The non-admission of an actual member may be appealed to the General Assembly.
A member may at any time resign from the Association upon written communication and within 30 days of decision making.
They lose the quality of associates:
a) members who have committed acts contrary to the principles and objectives of the Association;
b) members who, after two years with the quota in debt, do not regularize the situation until thirty days after they have been notified for that purpose.
In the case referred to in subparagraph a) of the previous number, the exclusion is the responsibility of the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board of Directors.
In the case referred to in point (b) of the preceding paragraph, the exclusion is the responsibility of the Board of Directors
a) Participate and vote at the General Assemblys;
b) Receive information and participate in all activities of the Association;
c) Use the services offered by the Association in the following modalities:
Individual founding member - Exempt from payments in activities
Effective individual member - 20% in all activities
Collective Member - 30% in all activities
Legendary Member - 35% in all activities
Members' duties are:
a) Collaborate in fulfilling the purposes of the Association and ensure for its good name and prestige.
b) Comply with the statutes, regulations and deliberations of the governing bodies.
c) make the timely payment of the quotas.
d) To exercise with diligence the positions for which they are elected and to carry out rigorously the tasks for which they are appointed or for which they are volunteered.
e) Communicate in writing to the Association the changes to your personal data, in particular contact changes (email, Mobile Phone Number).
Quotas are annual and refer to the calendar year (1 January to 31 December)
Where a member's registration takes place after 1 September, the quota paid for that year will cover the following calendar year.
Quotas will be paid by 31 December of the respective year.
The annual quota values are those indicated in Table 1.
Table 1
Member category
Annual quota amount (€)
Founding individual member - 10
Effective individual member - 20
Collective member - 100
Legendary member - 120
(Property holders: service, protocols, warranties)
The Association intervenes on own land and other holders, on a proposal from these or the Association itself, and the effort and investment produced there are a collective asset whose integrity must be ensured, as far as possible. Thus, the integration of parcels of land in the area of intervention of the Association is governed by the following rules:
The integration of a parcel of land in the area of intervention of the Association may cover the entirety of a building article or only part of it, which the holder makes available for ecological and landscape recovery actions.
A complete building article may be integrated into the area of intervention of the project by means of a Contract of Service. Hereby, the owner cedes all ownership management rights to the association for a specified period of time.
An article, part of article or set of (parts of) articles, may be integrated into the area of intervention of the Association through a Joint Intervention Protocol. Thus, the ownership of the parcels remains unchanged and the interventions are carried out jointly by the Association and the holders, in a coordinated and mutually agreed manner.
The Board of Directors decides on the implementation of Joint Intervention Protocols and Contracts for The Council. These decisions are ratified at the General Assembly.
Whether by compromise or protocol, the effort applied by the Association in the recovery and maintenance of a parcel of land may not be compromised by the actions of the holder, after a possible termination of the commitment between the parties. Therefore, the commitment, whatever it may be, must establish guarantees that bind the owner of the property even beyond that termination.
Except for another that is agreed with the same objectives, the guarantee requested from the holder at the time of formalization of the relationship with the Association may take the form of financial compensation in favour of the Association for the effort invested in the portion(s), so that it will be quantified on a daily basis in terms that are clear and transparent to the holder.
(Technical Intervention Group)
The Technical Intervention Group (GIT) is a group of associates (Founders and/or Staff) directly responsible for acting on the ground: it sets priorities, assigns actions to volunteering or professional teams, organizes voluntary journeys, coordinates professional interventions, discusses and coordinates interventions with property holders on a protocol basis. The GIT is accountable to the Board of Directors and submits the intervention plans to it, making them conditional on budgetary availability.
The elements constituting the GIT are proposed by the Board of Directors. GIT may include holders of property by protocol, for expression of interest and availability on their part.
(Direction: attributions, responsibilities)
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to monitor the work of the Technical Intervention Group (GIT), discuss with it the actions to be carried out, taking into account financial availabilities, promote initiatives to raise resources, represent the Association externally, prepare activity reports, and ensure the management of the current affairs of the Association, in accordance with the Statutes.
The Board of Directors will meet in person at least once a quarter or whenever necessary, by summons of the President or, at the request of at least two of its members.
The Management will decide, after assessing the balance of costs and benefits, in which bank maintains an open account.
Two members of the Board of Directors are the holders of the account requiring the signature of both of them, one being the treasurer.
(General Assembly: convocations, electoral AG)
The calls to the General Assembly will be sent to the members 30 calendar days in advance of the respective date.
Calls are sent by e-mail to associates with known email address. For the rest are sent by simple postal mail.
Documents for approval at the General Assembly are sent to Members by e-mail at least 5 days in advance of the date of the meeting.
The lists candidates for the governing bodies must be submitted to the Table of the General Assembly two weeks in advance of the date for holding the General Electoral Assembly.
In the candidate lists for the governing bodies to be presented, at least one member of the Board must reside in the União de Freguesias de Gândaras, and at least one other must reside in the Municipality of Lousã.
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