African Climate and Development Initiative - University of Cape Town

The African Climate & Development Initiative (ACDI) is UCTs active response to the climate change and development challenge. A one-stop shop for all
the activities happening around climate change at the University, the ACDI is aligned to
institutional, regional and national priorities.

The ACDI’s vision is to promote a developing world that has transitioned to a sustainable growth
trajectory and has the capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change and its related issues. To achieve this, the ACDI focuses its efforts on collaboration and inter-disciplinarity, and is working to coordinate and grow what is already the largest concentration of expertise on climate change and sustainable development within Africa.

The ACDI supports research in three broad thematic areas, namely: mitigation (and low
carbon development); vulnerability, impacts and adaptation; and climate and natural science,
within the overarching theme of sustainable and climate compatible development Within UCT, the ACDI merges these climate change issues with development issues,