Restoring Riobamba and Chimborazo Mountains
Restoring Riobamba and Chimborazo Mountains

Project Area
Located in central Ecuador, this project focuses on restoration around Chimborazo province and involves three different communities in the surrounding area. At 2,900m (9,514ft) above sea level, Quimiaq parish has a population of approximately 5257 people. Ilapo parish, at an altitude of 3,300m, (10,827ft) has 3,000 inhabitants. San Isidro parish has a population of 7,000 people at a height of 3142m (10,308ft) above sea level. Andean Adventures has been working together in planting Polyelpis seedlings with the communities in each of their territories and building water catchments that provide a considerable quality of life improvement for the community members.

Project Goals
In addition to restoring the Polyelpis forests for water security in the Chimborazo landscape, a large focus of the project is conducting continuous training with the local communities on reforestation issues in order to raise awareness about the importance of caring for the environment. Long-term project goals include:
Creating strategic alliances with the Governor's Office of the Province of Chimborazo, which will help strengthen ties with more neighboring communities and open up opportunities for the identification of new planting sites in the future.
Requesting meetings with the Commander of the National Police to establish strategic allies to work together for the benefit of reforestation.
Building four to five water catchments in communities to provide additional water security.
Teaching environmental awareness classes and related topics at the San Isidro school that will help children in the communities learn about the importance of natural resources and how to care for seedlings in the nurseries.
Continued restoration of the Chimborazo ecosystems to full functionality for the benefit of future generations.

Current Results
Native Trees Planted: 395,000
Hectares Restored: 211
Nurseries Built & Maintained: 1
Communities Involved: 6
2022-2023 Tree Planting Projection: 250,000