Recovery of Degraded Areas in the Upper Pita River Basin
Recovery of Degraded Areas in the Upper Pita River Basin

Project Area
Located in the Bosque Protector de la Cuenca Alta del Río Pita (Upper Pita River Basin Protected Forest) and Hacienda Yanahurco, which comprise the provinces of Pichincha and Napo, the project area represents a connectivity corridor between Cotopaxi, Antisana, and Cayambe Coca National Parks, the Pasochoa Protected Forest, and the Colonso-Chalupas Ecological Reserve. Several rivers and streams originate here, including the Jatunyacu River, which is a tributary of the great Napo River. The area has great importance for the conservation of water resources, especially for the city of Quito, while also benefiting both the highlands and the Amazon region.

Project Goals
The project is based on an inter-institutional cooperation agreement and the joint management of complementary sources of financing with private companies and other stakeholders interested in being part of the project. Project goals include:

  • Contributing to the recovery of the vegetation cover of the Upper Pita River Basin and Hacienda Yanahurco, starting with the planting of 50,000 native Polylepis pauta and Polylepis incana trees with active community involvement.
  • By 2024, plant 120,000 new trees in the aforementioned areas and continue with a scaling model.
  • Identify new stands of Polylepis pauta and potential reforestation areas that will allow for continued use of the scaling model.

Current Results
Native Trees Planted: NA
Hectares Restored: NA
Nurseries Built & Maintained: 1
Communities Involved: 1
2022-2023 Tree Planting Projection: 50,000