Restoration of High-Andean Cloud Forests in Challabamba

Project Area
The communities of Juan Velasco Alvarado and Jajahuana are located in the buffer zone of Manu National Park, which sits northeast of Cusco, Peru in the district of Challabamba. The area hosts a diverse variety of specialized ecosystems, including high altimontane pluvial yungas, Andean scrublands, and Puna Húmeda scrublands. This project focuses on restoration of the degraded high Andean forest landscapes in the Challabamba region between altitudes of 2,500m to 4,000m (8,202ft to 13,123ft).

Project Goals:
There are two nurseries with a total of 30 different native tree species in production. Direct support is provided to rural communities in capacity building, restoration of degraded areas, recovery of forest ecosystem services, and maintenance of communal irrigation systems for the development of agricultural and livestock activities. Long-term project goals include:

  • Restoration of degraded areas due to overgrazing by extensive cattle ranching and forest fires through reforestation with native species.
  • Strengthening capacities in natural resource management so that local communities know how to properly utilize the local landscape to enhance livelihoods and avoid further degradation.
  • Recovering and conserving the ecosystem services provided by forests with a high emphasis on water security. For the last 10 years, water supplies have been decreasing in rural communities, and only by restoring the forests can these vital services be ensured for future development of local communities that rely on the landscape for survival.
  • Promoting the management of agroforestry plots to achieve food security and sovereignty. The intervention area has aptitude for fruit growing, but requires improved soil quality with increased use of organic fertilizers, rotational management of annual and biannual crops, and the establishment of trees in strategic locations.

Current Results:
Native Trees Planted: 77,292
Hectares Restored: 35
Nurseries Built & Maintained: 3
Communities Involved: 5
2022-2023 Tree Planting Projection: 120,000