Restoring and Conserving Forests for Water Security in Quito
Restoring and Conserving Forests for Water Security in Quito

Project Area
The Water Protection Fund for Quito (FONAG) works to conserve and recover primary water sources for the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador (DMQ), with a specific focus on sites in the surrounding Andean mountains at an altitude of 2,500m (8,202ft) and above. Both the western and eastern mountain ranges have similar ecosystems such as high montane forest in the lowlands, Páramos in the highlands, and dry forest in the inter-Andean valleys. Local populations in the highlands consist of mostly mestizo communities (people of mixed backgrounds) and most of the areas are composed of private landowners.

Project Goals
Primary project activities are focused on generation of conservation agreements and letters of commitment with landowners, supporting the installation of water catchments, improvement of water systems in the northwest area of the DMQ, implementation of community nurseries, production of trees including Polylepis and other native species, training workshops for nurserymen, and establishment of fences to protect planted areas. In addition, restoration monitoring programs are carried out on permanent plots, and continuous maintenance is conducted on the nurseries and fences that need it. Monthly publications have been published on the activities and an extensive photographic record of ongoing progress has been created. Long-term project goals include:

  • Production of Polylepis and other native tree species specific to each site in order to conserve the gene bank of the ecosystem.
  • Restoration of degraded areas through reforestation.
  • Establishment of conservation agreements and commitments with communities or private landowners to ensure that restored areas will remain protected.
  • Reinforce these commitments with environmental education to raise awareness of the importance of conservation, protection, and restoration of degraded ecosystems connected to water sources for the DMQ.

Current Results
Native Trees Planted: 440,717
Hectares Restored: 648
Nurseries Built & Maintained: 2
Communities Involved: 9
2022-2023 Tree Planting Projection: 310,000