Remaining Natural Polylepis Forests
Natural Forest 3.403,14 ha


Polylepis is a genus comprising 28 recognized shrub and tree species, that are endemic to the mid- and high-elevation regions of the tropical Andes. This group is unique in the rose family in that it is predominantly wind-pollinated.

The bark is thick and rough and densely layered for protection against low temperatures. Some species of Polylepis form woodlands growing well above normal tree line within grass and scrub associations at elevations over 5000 m; which makes Polylepis appear to be the highest naturally occurring arboraceous angiosperm genus in the world.

Conservation issues

Polylepis forests exist primarily as small, widely isolated fragments, which are being rapidly depleted by rural communities for firewood and building material. However, these forests provide protection against soil erosion, prevent landslides and provide habitat for endangered animals.

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