Smallholder Bamboo Operations in Sidama

African Bamboo started preparatory activities with smallholders in six districts in Sidama during 2012. Site operations are important for initial supply of raw material to the scrimber board factory and for demonstrating the viable, replicable and scalable nature of smallholder bamboo supply models.

We will work with NGO partners to engage, train and strengthen capacities of smallholders and MSMEs to supply bamboo to African Bamboo and other third parties. We aim to enhance the production of individual smallholders by up to 400%, through the introduction and application of sustainable bamboo management practices.

Since initial engagement in the site, African Bamboo has successfully:

  • Conducted community consultations, engagement and stakeholder mapping activities.
  • Established 31 community bamboo cooperatives.
  • Signed 31 supply-purchase agreements and pricing agreements with these cooperatives.
  • Developed four collection centers for pilot activities.
  • Developed a financial model for site activities.
  • Completed initial bamboo resource mapping.
  • Completed preliminary bamboo inventory work
  • Completed an environmental impact assessment and secured our environmental permit.
  • Engaged NGO partners to support community engagement, training and capacity strengthening.
  • Compiled preliminary lists of vertebrate biodiversity.

We aim to develop the project site during Phase 1 of project implementation in Ethiopia, and are currently engaged with development finance institutions to raise the necessary capital.