American Southwest Carbon Marketplace Workgroup

The ASCMW began in 2021 with the recognition that there will not be sufficient funding for dryland riparian restoration if we rely on philanthropic resources alone. Scalable funding sources, such as carbon credits, are necessary to increase the resources available for this essential restoration action. Preliminary research found that existing carbon credit mechanisms did not have the flexibility to account for the multiple carbon stocks in healthy riparian areas (e.g., vegetation, soil organic matter, deadwood).

In response, the Biophilia Foundation has convened nine partner organizations in a series of four meetings at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, CA. The workgroup is addressing the science, practice, finance, governance, and policy aspects of carbon credit development.
Participants include:

  • Gita Bodner, The Nature Conservancy – Arizona
  • Greg Costello, Wildlands Network
  • Jennifer Gooden, Biophilia Foundation
  • Kris Hulvey, Working Lands Conservation
  • Aaron Lien, University of Arizona
  • Todd Lopez, Rio Grande Return
  • Bre Owens, Western Landowners Alliance
  • Richard Pritzlaff, Biophilia Foundation
  • Nicole Rosmarino, Southern Plains Land Trust
  • Rose Smith, Sageland Collaborative