Corporate Carbon Concession

Go from compensation to contribution by enabling a climate-efficient Generation Forest with your brand name.

Enable the permanent restoration of a close-to-nature productive forest that will forever absorb carbon, function as key biodiversity habitat, provide sustainable income opportunities, and regenerate soils and freshwater resources.
By purchasing a Corporate Carbon Concession, you will fund the establishment and maintenance of a new Generation Forest. In return, you obtain the right to the future carbon certificates from the forest at a stable forward price.

No need to worry about forest asset and certification management - we provide turn-key services based on the 30 years' track record of our reforestation company.
Futuro Forestal has reforested more than 10,000 hectares and provides a unique expertise in native-species nursery, planting and management as well as carbon & impact-forestry.

Generation Forests, are mixed native species, multi-layered productive forests that continuously provide ecosystem services and sustainable timber. Through a close-to-nature design, we work with nature to create resilient, low-risk forests.
We plant a mix of high-value trees and sustainably extract timber, using both active replanting as well as natural regeneration to close the gaps. Generation forests are permanent: we never clear cut, but maintain a perpetual forest cover.
The involvement of local indigenous communities is key to our Generation Forest projects. We provide sustainable income opportunities, training and capacity building, thereby incentivizing communities to protect and leave the forest standing forever.