Garo Hills Improved Cookstoves

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Project name: Garo Hills Improved Cookstoves
Location: Meghalaya, India
Technology: Improved rocket cook stoves
Standard: Gold Standard
Estimated tonnes of CO2 removal: ~200,000 from 15,000 Cookstoves
Impact highlights: Livelihood, Health & Economic enhancement

Why Improved Cookstoves in Garo?

This project is targeting the villages that are located across the state of Meghalaya, India where households depend on firewood (mostly non-renewable biomass) for cooking activities. The baseline scenario shows that they consume ~5 tons/year of firewood and spend 7.6 hours per week collecting wood. Through the project implementation, traditional stoves (“Chullah”) will be replaced with project stoves that have higher efficiency. As a result, previous fuelwood consumption and related carbon emissions will be reduced significantly. Therefore, this project will lead to an improvement in the living conditions of the target group by reducing health risks, time, and money spent on collecting and buying firewood for cooking.



Women and children living in extreme poverty are at the highest risk for adverse health outcomes from indoor air pollution (IAP) as they spend more time at home and are exposed to smoke for several hours a day. The improved cookstoves significantly reduce smoke, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. This improves indoor air quality, particularly where cooking is done in poorly ventilated spaces inside the household.

Gender equality

Improved cookstoves considerably reduce the need for firewood and the time required for collecting firewood from forests. Quick cooking helps these households, primarily women and girls in most cases who are tasked with wood gathering and cooking.

Supporting the community

This project will create numerous employment opportunities for the distribution, repair, maintenance, and periodic monitoring of cookstoves. Project efforts will be aimed at local job creation, capacity building, and eradicating poverty of the community.

There is a fully digitized data collection process that reduces human error and increases the quality of the project compared to traditionally recording withpen and paper. To ensure the highest standards of impact and project progress, independent third-party verifiers will closely monitor and evaluate all the aforementioned impacts. In addition, our team of technology and project experts conduct regular site visits, reaffirming our commitment to maintaining exceptional project quality.