The main operation of the farm involves the production of fine flavor cocoa and native hardwoods. We intend to plant six cocoa varieties to increase crop resilience and variety of flavors. The farm is split between production land and forest. On the production unit, we are intercropping plantains, pigeon peas, nitrogen fixing trees (madre cacao -Gliricidia sepium) and timber trees (almendro -Dypterix panamensis), all of which are used as shade for the cocoa, but also act as protection against wind and heavy rain, provide sustenance for pollinators and insects, and reduce additional chemical fertilization needs. We are also planting 235 hectares of mixed forest with native hardwoods in the hilly areas that are not suitable for mechanized cocoa production but still have good fertility. The remaining 660 hectares of the farm are biological corridors of natural rain forests, which have been put aside for wildlife conservation and the provision of ecosystem services. By reforesting pastures through agroforestry, we expect to enhance landscape connectivity and increase wildlife populations on the farm. A recent biodiversity assessment found Ocelots, Margays, Pumas, Peccaries, Agoutis, Coatis, Tayras, Ant eaters, and many different bird and bat species living and making use of our forests[a1] .