The Central Western Region of Mexico is made up of an extensive and varied topography with a diversity of climates and ecosystems, specially in the states that make up COBIOCOM.
The corridor comprises 16 subzones with a surface area of 15,063,445 hectares; It was delimited considering the protected areas and Areas of Importance for the Conservation of Birds, as well as the uses of land and vegetation, hydrological basins of Mexico and Provinces physiographic; It integrates 82 protected areas of various types of government, federal, subnational and municipal, with a surface area of 3.2 million hectares. Inside the COBIOCOM, there is a population of 819,000 inhabitants in 71 rural communities and 2.2 million in 159 communities in its area of influence.
COBIOCOM faces various socio-environmental challenges, due to its complexity of the territory, extension and governance. However, a common feature shared by the entire territory is the loss of habitat and biodiversity, mainly outside protected areas, as well as agroecological management practices, based on traditional knowledge; This derived, among other factors. This disarticulation of public and effective policies in the territory has led rural communities to abandon or change their traditional agricultural and forestry activities, for other unsustainable ones, which causes degraded areas, with little productivity and without ecological connectivity, impacting on the decrease of the environmental services.
The foregoing motivated the subnational governments to sign in 2012 a first collaborative framework agreement to unite efforts, capacities and resources to better manage ecosystems, biodiversity and promote restoration and ecological connectivity, together with peasant and rural communities. indigenous people of the region, the accompaniment of academia and environmental civil organizations. This political will has made it possible to sign two new collaboration framework agreements with subnational authorities that have reciprocated over time.
Progress has been slow in terms of implementation of actions, however it is important to indicate that the dynamics of public-private collaboration established in the different working groups have facilitated the design and implementation of various projects that are part of the COBIOCOM initiative.