Fläche "Kurl 3" in Lünen

In Lünen-Niederaden on the Kurl 3 site, HeimatERBE is pursuing the same goal as with the Ewald 5 site, of creating a powerful and diverse biotope complex through renaturation measures. In the last 1.5 years, experts from HeimatERBE have carried out various dismantling and repair work and upgraded the area in the spirit of nature. In addition, an entry concept including an environmental educational path was designed. This is to be opened as part of an event - and people and nature meet each other.

Project Profile

Location:   Lünen, Unna

Size:   10.1ha

History:  air shaft of the Kurl colliery; sunk 1962. End of service 1995.

Current use:  mine gas plant

Restoration Goals: 
– Desealing, comprehensive waste disposal
– careful conversion of afforested stocks on the ramparts into more natural forest communities
– Development of a species-rich and small-structured, semi-open landscape
– Installation of gravelly and stony special sites
– Initiation of temporary bodies of water

– Creation of flowering fringes (from perennials and wild fruit)