
The Ilha do Bananal conservation project is located in the Bananal Island, situated in the Brazilian state of Tocantins, in the northern region of the country, and is subdivided between the municipalities of Formoso do Araguaia, Lagoa da Confusão, and Pium. The proponents of the Ilha do BananaL conservation project are Karajá, Javaé and Ãwa indigenous populations. Specifically, the Iny Mahãdu Coordenação, the Conselho das Organizações Indígenas do Povo Javaé da Ilha do Bananal (CONJABA), the Instituto dos Caciques e Povos Indígenas da Ilha do Bananal (ICAPIB) and the Associação do Povo Ãwa Brasil (Apawa). The Bananal Island project area is located in the Inawebohona and Parque do Araguia indigenous lands. The Ilha do Bananal conservation project includes both REDD+ activities to reduce GHG emissions due to deforestation and non-REDD+ activities to reduce emissions due to land use change and loss of inland wetland cover on organic soils.