Landscape Restoration and enviromental peacebuilding in Darfur

Innovating for Climate Resilience: From monitoring rangelands to carbon trading

Pastures in Sudan are degrading. SoilWatch has partnered with the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development to use remote sensing and soil analysis to estimate the carbon storage potential of restored rangelands through good grazing practices. This will allow pastoralists and community members to connect with the carbon market and profit from the sustainable management of communal rangelands.

Using traditional Nature-based Solutions techniques championed by the Savory Institute, Syracuse University and the Northern Rangelands Trust, SoilWatch estimates a conservative Carbon Dioxide Removal and durable storage rate of 1tCO2/Hectare/Year over the 30 year project lifetime of a 300,000 hectare pilot project in Darfur. At a conservative uptake of 30%, that equates to 90,000 tonnes of CO2 removed per year, or 2.7 million tonnes of CO2 removed over the project lifetime.

This project seeks grant or investment funding of USD600,000 in order to carry out the necceassry sampling and development work to progress the project to the stage where it can access carbon revenue.