Development of the PES water mechanism in Mananara Nord, Madagascar

The development of the PES mechanism in Madagascar is marked by the existence of various NGO initiatives through several sites set up. The Malagasy State has taken over since 2015 with the institutionalization of the mechanism within the Ministry in charge of the Environment. Several blockages were observed during the implementation of the PES mechanism, namely the lack of technical, strategic and legal framework and the weak involvement of the private sector. In 2020, the Ministry in charge of the environment drew up a procedure manual for setting up the PES mechanism in Madagascar. This tool is not sufficient to be able to encourage the private sector. This is why it is necessary to develop the national strategy and action plan for the development of the PES mechanism in Madagascar and the related legal and institutional framework.

The threatened material Ecosystem Services (ES) identified in the Vohidravina forest are the supply services for wood, medicinal plants, ES water, etc. This is one of the objects of our research. According to its assessment, the supply of SE water remains threatened to stop because of the various pressures through human activities such as rice cultivation, cash crops such as vanilla cultivation, cattle breeding, illicit exploitation of precious woods, the collection of firewood, the artisanal production of charcoal, etc. These threats manifest themselves in the relentless decrease in the quantity and quality of water supplied by the Vohidravina forest. ES beneficiaries fall into two groups.
The first group includes rice farmers and households consuming water from the Vohidravina forest in the different locality of the Mananara North Urban Commune (UC) and the drinking water supply with gravity source manager. It demonstrates their willingness to pay for the maintenance of these water ES on condition that they derive even more profits from them or else the supply of water without frequent stoppages 24 hours a day. The use value of drinking water is around of 17 000 USD between 2018-2019. It also recommends improving the quality and quantity of the water distributed. The implementation of the drinking water PES mechanism in the Mananara UC is therefore feasible under these conditions. The second group is made up of the former and current drinking water supply with gravity source manager of Mananara North.
According to the social profile of ES producers, it is the local communities who depend on forest resources, particularly wood. They live around the Andasibe locality and already have access to renewable energy, telecommunications and information services and some households live in permanent buildings. According to the economic profile, the suppliers of ES water are made up of rural households practicing different activities, which are mainly rice cultivation, vanilla cultivation and clove cultivation with fairly high income even if the production methods are still archaic. There are activities that are unfavorable and favorable to the maintenance of Ecological Intégrity carried out by these ES producers.

Concerning the social profile of ES beneficiaries, the demographic characteristics belong to those of developing countries, they are cosmopolitan and come from different social strata, and they are households that practice different activities with heterogeneous incomes. For the economic profile, water-consuming households have different standards of living in relation to their activities and income. This is around 2 USD per month for the 3S generally company in 2019. The distribution of water in the Mananara North UC faces many problems.

Currently the Vohidravina forest is mainly composed of clove forest. This holds a very important ecological function in terms of water accumulation. Therefore, the development of agroforestry is a solution since the cultivation of vanilla is very popular in this area and supports thousands of households. Yet the extraction of essential oil from cloves is one of the practices unfavorable to this reforestation. Sensitizing households to abandon this bad practice is one of the priority activities. It is the need to set up the PSE mechanism which is an incentive tool for the change of practice.