Madagascar is one of the richest countries in biological biodiversity, the majority of which is endemic. Natural environments are home to multiple species of pollinators, such as insects, birds or bats, bees which play an essential role in the reproduction of wild plant species and crops. The forest thus offers breeding sites, refuge areas and varied and sustainable food resources for several species of pollinators.
Bees, like all of the pollinating entomofauna, also play an important role in the genetic mixing of the forest. Globally, the contribution of pollinators to food production has been estimated at €153 billion.
Beekeeping and the lychee sector are activities that both conserve the forest through bee pollination and generate income for the local population, which responds to the concept of sustainable development.
The Vatovavy and Fitovinany Regions are full of important beekeeping areas. Unfortunately, the pressure continues on the natural habitats due to the various excessive exploitations. Various threats (uncontrolled felling of species, bush fires, etc.) affect these plants useful to the activity of foraging bees.
This situation leads to the loss of ecological services provided by nature which are of decisive importance for the subsistence, economic development and health of populations.
The extraction of essential oil from Niaouli destroys the honey forest. This project therefore aims to change the bad practice of households practicing this activity. The PES mechanism is one of the incentive and economic instruments to fight against the destruction of bee plants.