Projet d'appui au developpement de l'agricuture pour la nutrition et l'entreprenariat

In the context of its Multi Annual Country Strategic Plan 2019-2022, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Burundi requested SNV to co-create and co-design a coherent multi-year project around food and nutrition security called PADANE, the acronym for “Projet d’Appui au Développement Agricole pour la Nutrition et l’Entrepreneuriat”. This project will increase resilience of vulnerable rural populations and improve incomes through market linkages and private-sector agribusiness development.

The approach

  • The project builds upon the results of SCAD and PAPAB projects, both funded by the latter, which introduced the PIP (Plan Intégré du Paysan) approach to 77,000 rural smallholder farmers.
  • PADANE enhances training modules of the PIP approach to scale up and link to the other workstreams such as inclusive value chains, inclusive finance, food and nutrition security, and opportunities for youth employment to ensure sustainability.
  • Gender is cross-cutting and has been introduced in all project approaches, which are also supported by a learning, dialogue, and advocacy component.
  • Hygiene is another cross-cutting workstream integrated into PADANE in 2022 as a pilot. It is now being implemented in 5 out of the 7 provinces where the project is active.

The project is being executed by several implementing partners: both national and international NGOs, private partners, and research institutions, coordinated by SNV. It covers seven provinces of Burundi and the selected value chains in which PADANE is active are white sorghum, sunflower, patchouli, dairy, chicken and eggs, amaranth, passion fruit, and tree tomatoes.

Overall objective:
The Project aims at improving the living conditions of agricultural households, women and young people, and market actors through increased incomes, job creation for youth and women, food and nutritional security and resilience to climate change.