Recovering High Andean Forest Bird Habitats in Mindo and Cayambe-Coca
Recovering High Andean Forest Bird Habitats in Mindo and Cayambe-Coca
Acción Andina
Acción Andina is a Latin-American led, large-scale, forest restoration initiative, which aims to restore one million hectares of threatened high Andean, Polylepis forest in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela over the next 25 years. Internationally supported by non-profits Global Forest Generation and ECOAN, local conservation organizations partner with rural and indigenous communities to bring back native forests, mainly for water security and climate resilience.
Aves y Conservación
Aves y Conservación​ (AyC), an Ecuadorian non-profit founded 33 years ago, is dedicated to the research and conservation of birds and their habitats, acting always to benefit local people and with their active participation. To fulfil its mission, AyC promotes sustained research processes on birds and other associated flora y fauna. AyC strongly believes in supporting local communities to empower themselves in the defence of nature and the generation of livelihoods compatible with conservation.
Global Forest Generation
Global Forest Generation​ (​ GFG), founded in 2018 as a US-based non-profit, is the lead strategic partner of ​Acción Andina​ ​and provides technical, management and finance mobilization support to bring the initiative to scale. GFG serves as the main partner for donors, investors and the conservation and development community: it insures quality, long-term sustainability, and effective implementation during all project phases and also provides key communication and reporting capacities.