Organic coffee from Cocolense


The cooperative Integral Agrícola Cocolense currently consists of 127 small producers of organic coffee in the mountain range Sierra de los Cuchumatanes in Huehuetenango, western Guatemala. About 20% of the member farmers are women, opening an alternative source of income to their families. The coffee cultivated in diverse agroforestry systems fulfills the highest standards and offers a sustainable land use to the communities, reducing the usage pressure on the surrounding forests.

Coffee Profile

Altitude: 1.000- 1.500 m
Area: 169 ha
Coffee varieties: Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Pache rojo, Villalobo
Annual harvest: 551 tons
Treatment: washed and sun-dried
Certification: Mayacert, Fairtrade (NOP/USDA, EU)
SCA-score: 84

Buying this Coffee

Any inquiries should be directed to the president of the cooperative Francisco Diego Mateo (