Q'eqchi' Co-Op

We started many years ago as a dream to protect beautiful rainforest lands filled with gorgeous cenotes, crystal blue rivers, and vibrant jungles in the karstic mountains north of Rio Dulce. A small group of people, led by my father decided to invest in protection of these lands directly, hoping to one day be able to have the project self sustain, and expand to even larger areas and inspire people to take action. Seeing the beauty of nature at risk they supported the lands directly pouring in time, energy, and resources for a decade before breaking even on the monthly costs to have boots on ground and in the mud.

Eventually the forest conversation agency, INAB, of Guatemala's government launched a program, PROBOSQUE, to pay dividends to land projects that meet the stringent requirements set by international standards for wild land protection. We barely managed to qualify among the cronyism and corruption. With this opportunity and new found breath of resources we set onwards to expand the rainforest. Though not alone as protection is the entire community's responsibility, therefore we shifted gears and set out to embrace and include as many indigenous Q'eqchi' landowners surrounding the core preserve. By including them in directly, and supporting them with legal, technical, and organizational resources to help these families overcome strict government regulations. Breaking down the barriers and providing direct passive income to these poverty stricken subsistence farmers.

We are proud to see, years down the line how much the quality of life has improved for these families. Now able to focus more on growth, by having a consistent stream of income, and less on survival we had opened the doors to real prosperity of both humans and nature in symbiosis. What once was communities of adobe single room houses with patched palm tree roofs without doors, electricity, or sanitation has dramatically changed. People here now have what we take for granted. A non leaking roof in very common torrential downpours, a bathroom with walls, and a simple light at night. We take no credit for these improvements, given the chance, families will take it upon themselves with responsibility to improve their livelihoods and the future of their own children. Who wouldn't?

Though, this government protection program isn't infinite. We were lucky to have made it. Now halfway in the 10 year grant lifespan we are still seeking to become fully independent and sustainable. Ecotourism wouldn't be enough to support and too invasive, any sort of hardwood logging would be immoral, and to clear cut thriving forests for cattle, farms, or palm oil plantations is unacceptable. Therefore, we looked onto the sea of opportunities given to us by the internet to achieve that fabled goal of equilibrium.

Now, today we have set out to partner with international organizations to reach the globe and through the transparency and accountability of blockchains seek to create the clearest chain of custody for funds-to-farmer as possible. In unison with Nature our goal is to test out the pilot program for a techno-ecological platform capable of birthing a new model of collective organization and inclusion, protection and sustainability, with radical transparency and continual expansion of nature's domain. We aim to achieve this by adopting the immutable tokenization of every square meter we protect, managed by every stakeholder through direct participative blockchain organizations, assured by specialist validators with boots on the ground, monitored by automated geospatial analysis using AI, and visualized for every donor to see from anywhere on this planet. All built on a core opensource principal for the data, systems, and operations to form a global network of interoperable systems designed to include, incentivize, and inspire the generations of people seeking to break free from the age old chains of humanity that hold us hostage to destruction. We believe, only as a collective will we prosper in symbiosis with the only home we've ever known, that pale blue dot suspended in a sun beam we call mother Earth.

The pilot project for this aims to onboard 1755 hectares of core forest, protected directly by 138 families from 3 Q'eqchi' communities. There is an additional 1350 hectares of conservation forest dispersed in patches around the core zone which is at economic risk right now. The hypothesis is that we can build a blockchain platform to transparently bootstrap these people with the funding, skills, and connections to create and expand these buffer zones. Growing natural resilience through the shifting of clear cut forestry with silvopastorial systems, permaculture food forests, and digital accessibility to provide a reputation based marketplace for the world to support these people's products and services. Invest and collaborate with them as humans. And make them, the faces, story, and lives visible as the frontline defenders against corporations, governments, and other forces attempting to steamroll them down with obscurity hiding behind the current monoliths of power.

16 years of experience in protection is what we bring to the table, 9 years as a community centered project, pouring in our lives, money, and time for a brilliant future we are willing to die for.If we are able to pull this off and prove the model works, then we'll be able to scale this to the immediate surrounding zone, 6 more communities, 900+ families and 14,000+ hectares of mixed use land. As this platform project is 100% opensource, it will hopefully & eventually benefit and support hundreds of thousands of people across the critical zones of action surrounding the treasures of our world. The green and blue that gives us life.