Santana do Araguaia is a city in the South of Pará, next to Bananal island, one of the biggest river islands in the world. It is near the Araguaia River, between the federal states of Mato Grosso (MT) and Tocantins (TO). The region is known for cattle breeding and growing soy has become one of its main economic activities.
Its proximity to the river, central location along the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor, and dependence on farming, make it incredibly important to our mission. In relation to its native vegetation, Santana do Araguaia belongs to an Ecotone Biome. This means that it is near two diverse biomes: The Amazon Rainforest and the Cerrado Savana. It serves as a transition space, where different species can be found, and therefore has vast and varied native biodiversity!