The leading humanitarian organization is committed to improving its environmental performance, climate compatibility, and resource efficiency by reducing its use of fossil fuels, purchasing green energy from reliable suppliers, and undertaking other sustainability initiatives.
The organization's compounds, premises, and offices generate greenhouse gas emissions amounting to an estimated 97,136 tons of CO2 annually. One major source of emissions is linked to the fact that they run diesel generators, particularly in large field compounds in ‘deep field’ Africa operations. Converting these compounds to solar energy could have both a positive carbon impact and a positive financial impact since solar energy is expected to be cheaper than existing diesel/fossil fuel generation in many geographies.
Purpose of the tender
The organization is currently targeting the implementation of a lease agreement in a set of sites: (1) in Kenya and (2) in Uganda. The ultimate objective is to move to a cleaner way of electrification by transitioning the majority of operations onto renewable energy.
The key objectives in this procurement are to:
Scope and model
Contract model
Benefits of the Project
Until the Target Condition Satisfaction date, we need to provide the organization with certain documentation.
The Target Commercial Operations date is foresighted to be 6 September 2023 (7 months from 6 Feb). We shall ensure that all installations are done by then and that the systems are operating properly. Nevertheless, this is a target.
The Long Stop Commercial Operation date remains to be 6 December 2023. In case the systems are not operating by 6 December 2023 the organization might cancel the contract and/or charge penalties.