C-FIP – Community-level Fisheries Improvement Programme in the Struisbaai Linefishery

The ABALOBI Community-level Fishery Improvement Project in the Struisbaai traditional Yellowtail (Seriola lalandi) line fishery in South Africa is based on a triple-bottom-line assessment, covering social, environmental, and financial risk assessments of the line fishery.

The C-FIP is a unique project in small-scale fisheries globally, being the first ever Fishery Improvement Project to comprehensively assess risk factors across social, ecological, and financial spheres within a fishery.

Following the risk assessments, and in deep consultation with the Struisbaai fishing community and stakeholders, a series of objectives for the project have been identified and codified into an agreed-upon work plan, which is now underway.

Social objectives and actions

Action 1. Struisbaai Linefishers’ Inclusive Organisation Development

Action Goal: Improve fishers’ access to and participation in a community-level fishers’ and fish workers’ organisation

Action Description: ABALOBI will assist the Struisbaai traditional line fishers in the creation of a community-level organisation that is open to all stakeholders across the fishery, including skippers, crew, quality control workers, value-added product producers, and allied workers. This organisation is intended not only to address concerns related to freedom of association raised during the SRA baselining assessment but also to provide a mechanism for fishers to publicly air grievances in the absence of a government mechanism to support this. Additionally, the formation of the organisation will lay the foundation for future co-management and greatly enhance stakeholder participation in the fishery beyond just the skippers.

Action 2. Enhanced Livelihood Security

Action Goal: Work with fishers to create a novel brand and market access for Struisbaai-caught Yellowtail. Deploy ABALOBI technologies and outsourced vessel tracking devices to streamline data collection and analysis related to fuel resource efficiency.

Action Description: By working with Struisbaai fishers to strengthen and promote a novel brand for their line-caught seasonal Yellowtail catch and opening up local and international market opportunities, fishers will secure an improved price for their catch as well as increased demand. Currently, only a small proportion of their catch is sold via the ABALOBI MARKETPLACE due to low local demand. Opening up new market opportunities will resolve this challenge while eliminating middlemen, who keep fishers as price takers through off-season debt traps. Additionally, the rollout of vessel tracking devices, paired with ABALOBI data capture mobile applications (tracking all fishing-related income and expenses alongside catch data), will enable the ABALOBI team to process data and identify potential solutions to resolve the fishers’ current fuel resource efficiency challenges.

Action 3. Healthcare & Medical Response

Action Goal: Work with fishers and key Struisbaai stakeholders, such as community health workers, to seek ways to improve healthcare and medical response within the fishery.

Action Description: Explore Memoranda of Understanding ("MoUs") and other mechanisms that can be established between the community and government departments to address first aid preparedness and training, as well as basic healthcare needs for fishers and fish workers.

Action 4. Customary Resource Use

Action Goal: Engage with fishers and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries & Environment ("DFFE") to recognise and work towards protecting the traditional rights of Struisbaai traditional line fishers through the establishment of MoUs and other mechanisms.

Action Description: Explore the establishment of MoUs and working groups with the DFFE and commercial skiboats operating in the Struisbaai fishing grounds to recognise and respect traditional fishers’ rights.

Environmental objectives

By December 2025, the FIP will address the following environmental objectives:

Collect Data to Evaluate Impacts on Non-Target Species

  • In collaboration with relevant authorities, review existing data collection protocols and information that would be useful for management.
  • Collaborate with fishers on data input processes and develop appropriate data fields in the ABALOBI Fisher app as needed.
  • Work with fishers to implement data collection.
  • Evaluate fishery impacts on non-target species, including ETP (endangered, threatened or protected) species.
  • Develop and deploy survey focusing on ETP species interactions and fish handling.
  • Pilot an electronic observer program.
  • Analyze data, review protocols and suggest adaptations as needed. Share information back with fishers.
  • Continue monitoring fishery impacts on non-target species.

Develop a Harvest Strategy that is Equitable with Respect to the Needs of Different User Groups and that Sustainably Manages their Collective Impact on Target Fish Stocks

  • Consult with DFFE (Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment) officials and working groups, as well as Struisbaai fishers, to benchmark and understand existing harvest strategies and governance requirements. Clarify the triggers in the management process for adjusting fishing effort in response to stock status (implemented harvest strategy).
  • Develop and implement an STLFA harvest strategy that manages impacts of different user groups in a more precautionary and sustainable manner.
  • Build communication channels to support the active engagement of STLFA with DFFE on the agreed local Struisbaai harvest strategy.

Establish and Strengthen the Struisbaai Traditional Linefishers' Association

  • Develop a constitution for the Struisbaai Traditional Linefishers Association (STLFA) that is transparent, inclusive, and equitable. The Association’s transparency with members and fishers in the community will be important to ensuring the community supports the Association.
  • Finalise and file paperwork for the STLFA to become a legal entity (voluntary association), allowing the association to enter into binding agreements as a group.

Read more about the Struisbaai C-FIP on