The South Suriname Conservation Corridor (SSCC) program was established in 2015 at the request of the 9 indigenous villages in this area. The origin and process were as follows: After a two-year process, the indigenous leaders of the SSCC region signed a statement in Paramaribo on May 5, 2015, in which they pledged to protect the forest, water and people of South Suriname. The forest to be protected includes their habitat (residential, hunting, agriculture, cultural area) and covers an area of 7.2 million hectares. This statement was co-signed by CI-S, WWF, ACT and OIS. Nine villages of the Trio and Wayana communities participate in the SSCC program. The 9 villages are: 1. Amatopo, 2. Coeroenie, 3. Kwamalasamutu, 4. Alalapadu, 5. Sipaliwini, 6. Tepu, 7. Palumeu, 8. Apetina, 9. Kwamahakan.